Operating market
Certified hardwood
Bosky has created an ecosystem of partner companies, whether projects built by Bosky or as a shareholder of affiliated companies with a successful track record in some of the businesses in which we operate. Our partners bring solid know-how in the areas of forest management, carbon project development, blockchain technology and geospatial analysis.
There is a growing demand for supply chain transparency and stringent government regulations on the woodworking industry. FSC type certification has become mandatory for trade with developed markets. Bosky will bring an extra layer of transparency by implementing blockchain-enabled tracking technologies.
Carbon offset
There are two types of carbon market: regulated and voluntary. The first is used by companies and governments that, by law, must account for their GHG emissions.
The Voluntary Carbon Market is a decentralized market where private actors voluntarily buy and sell carbon credits that represent certified removals or reductions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere.
REDD+ represents the efforts of countries or companies to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and promote conservation, sustainable management of forests and the increase of forest carbon stocks.
Bosky will protect the native forest, protecting the land to prevent deforestation, storing large amounts of carbon. The Bosky Carbon Token will allow customers to be the guardians of a part of the standing forest.
Hub Biodiversity
Through the sustainable extraction of non-timber products and planting species that grow under the shadows of the forest, such as cocoa, we produce wealth with the forest standing. We work with other products such as Cocoa, Brazil Nuts, Açaí, Copaiba Essential Oils and others. Bosky works on several fronts with the local community, promoting a much greater participation of native products from the Amazon in global markets and also making it possible to pass on to local communities the premium price obtained both through traceability and the geographical indication of origin.