Strategies for the development of the Brazilian Amazon: lessons learned from pre-competitive arrangements
About the article: Companies based in the Legal Amazon already export 64 products compatible with the forest and obtain gross revenue of almost US$ 300 million a year (Coslovsky 2021a). This figure seems expressive, but represents only 0.17% of the corresponding global market. Surprisingly, the main exporters of these products are not based in high-income countries like Germany, the United States and Japan. On the contrary, the companies that dominate the markets for forest-compatible products are located in countries with per capita income similar to or less than Brazil, as is the case of Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Indonesia and Thailand. How did these countries manage to convert their natural resources into competitive sectors and how can the lessons from these experiences serve as references for development initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon?
Published by: Amazônia 2030. It is an initiative of Brazilian researchers to develop a sustainable development plan for the Brazilian Amazon.
Who wrote: Salo Coslovsky